Photos | Hi-Li's 5th Birthday Brunch in San Francisco

Hi-Li's 5th Birthday Brunch in San Francisco


An intimate moment, frozen in time on Hi-Li's 5th birthday in 2023. This picture features a woman engrossed in her phone, sitting at a bustling cafeteria in San Francisco. The charm of a casual brunch beautifully blends with palpable excitement from a child's birthday celebration. You can almost hear the clattering of utensils on plates and enthusiastic chatter filling the room. Note the mundane act of eating brought to life amidst the unique inclusion of Hi-Li's canine friend, somehow adding a touch of home to the public setting. A heartwarming snapshot of family, food, and a fuzzy friend!

BLIP-2 Description:

a woman holding a phone

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Original Dimensions:

6000w x 4000h - (download 4k)

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* WARNING: The title and caption of this image were generated by an AI LLM (gpt-4-0613 from OpenAI) based on a BLIP-2 image-to-text labeling, tags, location, people and album metadata from the image and are potentially inaccurate, often hilariously so. If you'd like me to adjust anything, just reach out.